Every patient comes into the office with different expectations. It is rare that patients come to see me and are excited to be there. Nobody enjoys going to the doctor—this is the basis for what we call “white coat hypertension”, or an elevated blood pressure when people enter the office.
I’ve always prided myself on making patients feel comfortable from the moment they start their journey to our office. Our staff is extremely friendly and even on the phone are able to reassure patients that everything will be okay. Our office will make patients more comfortable, by providing services in a comfortable setting.
So what should you expect when you see the urogynecologist? Well, many of the conditions we deal with involve the female pelvis. Therefore, you’ll almost definitely be getting a pelvic exam—just like at the general gynecologist. Plan on spending about 30-45 minutes for your first visit, as it is important that we take time to evaluate you and interview you.
We expect that you will have an enjoyable and educational experience in our office. If we don’t meet your expectations, then please let us know.